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God Is Not Worried About It – Should You Be

Hey there, friend. Let’s cut to the chase – life is stressful. We’re bombarded by constant news of existential threats, global chaos, and a never-ending to-do list (all while somehow remembering to defrost that chicken you were supposed to cook three days ago). It’s enough to make you want to pull a blanket over your head and hit the snooze button on reality.

But here’s the thing: God’s not freaking out. He’s not pacing around, wringing His hands, and stress-eating angel food cake. Nope. God is, as always, calm, cool, and completely in control. So, should we be panicking? Short answer: nope. Long answer? Keep reading.

A man worried
Worried? God isnt!

Been There, Survived That

Take a quick trip down memory lane with me. Remember when the world almost ended back in 1957? Yeah, me neither, but our grandparents do. It was called the Asian Flu, and it wiped out over a million people worldwide. Fast forward to 1968 – hello, Hong Kong Flu! Another million lives lost. And let’s not forget the Cuban Missile Crisis, where we literally thought nuclear doom was on the horizon. People lived through these times gripped by fear, convinced the world as they knew it was over.

Spoiler alert: it wasn’t.

But what if this time is different? What if COVID-19 is the end of civilization as we know it? Look, if God wasn’t panicking about those times, He’s certainly not sweating over this one either. Why? Because He’s sovereign. He’s the

ultimate multitasker, orchestrating galaxies and our grocery lists with the same level of care and precision. That’s who we’re dealing with here – a God who is a “very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1–3, ESV), even when the world feels like it’s crumbling.

The Storm’s Not Bigger Than the Savior

Here’s the kicker: God never promised us a life free of storms. In fact, He’s pretty clear that storms are part of the package deal when you live in a fallen world. But the good news is, He’s with us through the wind, rain, and waves – even when it feels like we’re in over our heads. David, a guy who spent a lot of time running from people who wanted to kill him, knew this firsthand. He wrote,

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1, ESV).

And this wasn’t some ancient version of positive thinking; this was a guy who genuinely trusted God with his life – despite facing death on the regular.

And what about Jesus’ disciples? They had a full-blown meltdown in the middle of a storm while Jesus was – wait for it – napping (Mark 4:35-41, ESV). They woke Him up in full panic mode, and Jesus, after probably rubbing the sleep out of His eyes, spoke to the storm and said, “Peace, be still.” Problem solved. Storms? No big deal for the Savior.

Fear Is Like Polio for Your Soul

Fear has this sneaky way of paralyzing us, like polio for the soul. It keeps us from living the life God has for us, a life marked by faith and not fear. But here’s the deal: we get to make a choice. Do we focus on the size of the storm, or do we focus on the God who controls the wind and the waves?

God is like that rock-solid lighthouse in the middle of a storm. The waves might crash, the wind might howl, but the lighthouse? It stands firm. You can either stare at the storm and let fear take the wheel, or you can focus on the One who promises to be with you in every wave (Isaiah 43:1-3, ESV). Spoiler alert: God’s sovereignty > your storm.

So, What Do We Do with This?

First off, let’s be real – none of this means the storm magically goes away. We might still lose a job, face sickness, or experience hardship. But God is with us through it. And not only that, He promises that everything – even the tough stuff – works together for good (Romans 8:28, ESV). Yes, even when your sourdough starter flops, God’s still got a plan.

So, what’s our part in all this? Trust. Stay connected to God, pour out your heart to Him, and surround yourself with people who will remind you that you’re not alone in the storm. And when you start feeling overwhelmed, remember: God is not worried. He’s got this, and because of that, you don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.

Faith > Fear

Let’s face the future with faith, not fear. After all, we serve a God who has promised never to leave us (Matthew 28:20, ESV). And while you’re at it, invite someone to church this Sunday. That’s where we gather, whether in person or online, to hear the Word, be reminded of God’s promises, and lift each other up when the waves feel high. Come join us!

We’re here at Oceanside First Presbyterian, where you’ll find people who get it – we’ve all been through a few storms ourselves, but we know who holds the future. You’re not alone in this. Click here for service times and details!

We can’t wait to see you (virtually or otherwise).

Remember: God’s not worried, so you don’t have to be either.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Mike


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