De-Churched, its a real thing.
Many people today are using the term "dechurched," meaning that they have left the church or have become “disengaged” from organized religion. There are a variety of reasons why this may be the case.
One reason is that some people become dechurched is that they may have had some serious negative experiences with the church or with religious individuals. For example, they may have encountered judgment or hypocrisy, or they may have felt excluded or unwelcome. These negative experiences can build up and lead to a loss of faith or a rejection of the church.

Another reason is that some people may simply be disillusioned with organized religion not really representing the Christ they were taught about in Sunday school or in their student ministry. They may feel that the church is out of touch with their needs or that it is not addressing the issues that are important to them. As a result, they may choose to leave the church and seek spiritual fulfillment elsewhere.
In addition, some people may be "dechurched" because they have changed their beliefs or have become disillusioned with their faith. For example, they may have grown skeptical of the church's teachings or they may have come to believe that organized religion is not necessary for their spiritual well-being.

Overall, there are many reasons why people become "dechurched." Some may have changed their beliefs and no longer see the value in being a part of a church community. Whatever the reason, "dechurched" individuals are starting to represent a significant portion of the population, and their experiences and perspectives should be taken into account by religious leaders and communities.

It is difficult to provide a definitive answer to this question, as to what the church can do, some possible ways that the church could reach out to the dechurched include:
Providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all individuals, regardless of their background or beliefs
Listening to the concerns and needs of the dechurched and addressing them in a meaningful way
Offering support and guidance for those who are struggling with their faith or who have left the church
Being open to change and adapting to the evolving needs of the community
Focusing on love, compassion, and understanding, rather than judgment and exclusion

Ultimately, the key to reaching out to the dechurched may be for the church to be more responsive to the needs and concerns of individuals, and to create a welcoming and supportive environment that encourages people to reconnect with their faith.
If churches do not change and continue to alienate or exclude members of their communities, it is likely that they will continue to lose members and see a decline in their influence and relevance. This could lead to a decline in church attendance and participation, as well as a decrease in financial support and resources.
In addition, if churches do not adapt to the changing needs and beliefs of society, they may struggle to remain relevant and to attract new members. This could lead to a further decline in their influence and impact, as well as a loss of connection with the broader community.

Ultimately, it is important for churches to be open to change and to adapt to the evolving needs and beliefs of their members and the broader community. By doing so, they can remain relevant and effective in their mission to support and serve their communities.
Thank you so much for writing this! I have shared this with many people.