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Kicking things off at church

Dear Church Family

It is finally kick off week here at Oceanside First Presbyterian Church. Summer is now a distant memory, school is in full swing, and for us here at Oceanside First Presbyterian Church, it is now time to get back to business. All of our ministry teams here at church have put in a ton of prayer, time, and effort into this upcoming year and we could not be more excited about what God has in store for you, our ministries and your preschool too!

A JOINT EFFORT IS NEEDED: For this fall kick off to be a success, and for our preschool children and families to land in our community, a joint effort is needed. As I have said before kids and students at different ages have different needs just like adults at different ages have different needs. For kids and students they are just starting their story of faith here. As an adult, it is easy just to come and go to church and avoid being moved. It is even easy to miss a week or two but if we are building new community we need everyone to be here and take on an inviting spirit.

There is a sad reality in our world but God has given us a good news answer. What drives 99% of people whether or not they are going to be part of a church family, part of a faith community and move towards a clearer understanding of the Christian life is their need for friendships and community. The good news is that God’s church was built for community. The Church is the answer for what most people are looking for. This means people arrive when they have friends at church. People are more likely to show up and even grow in their walk with Jesus if they have friends and community here. If people don't feel comfortable or don't feel like they have any possible friends in our community, then they are out, gone, goodbye!

This is a challenging reality for any church to live in. So that means for anyone to even to begin to feel connected, they have to show up, have friends, feel comfortable, be seen, and experience real love. This can only happen if we work together. We need to meet, greet and care for anyone you do not recognize in the pews or on campus. Spend the first 10 minutes after a church service chatting with people you don’t know yet, or even with that new couple you noticed across the church.

MY PART: I will work incredibly hard, along with the church staff and our many committees, to make our worship experience emotionally safe, fun and engaging. I will make the Christian story relevant to their lives of everyone who walks through our doors. I will train my staff and volunteers to make space for you and all of the new folks that God will be bringing us. I will provide a program that makes connections easy and set the table for strong friendships to be built and opportunities to become disciples.

YOUR PART: Use whatever political/relational capital you have with your friends, family, spouse and co-workers to get them here. We planned the entire month of September so that every person who attends worship will be able to make some friends and land relationally. Because it is only when people feel safe and cared for will they actually let their guard down enough to consider real issues of faith and wrestle with what it means to follow Jesus. I am praying for you, and please pray for us and our staff as we officially kick off this Sunday!! We have a great month in store for you and look forward to seeing you and your friends here.

Ok, That is a lot of information to digest. Please feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns you might have! Until I see you, Blessings! Pastor Mike Killeen.

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