Is that for here or to go
Is That For Here or To Go?...

It is a simple question that if you eat out at fast food restaurants you might find yourself asked a lot. The question is not would you like fries with that? That's a silly question because who doesn't want hot crispy fried potatoes. Yes, I want fries with that! The question I'm thinking of is, "For Here or To Go?" Okay Pastor Mike, that's not a particularly spiritual question. What am I supposed to do with that? Well grab a french fry and let's chat. It is my hope that you might see your faith as both "For Here or To Go." Our faith is "For Here" in the sense that we are all called to build a real and deep community of followers of Jesus. We believe that faith was never meant to be practiced alone. That faith looks like bible studies, potlucks, events, prayer circles and, of course, incredible worship praising Jesus. It's in this "For Here" faith community that we learn how to spread our wings, how to trust the power we have in following Jesus and how to experience a peace beyond measure. As we study and grow more in our "For Here" community we also begin to understand that there is also a "To Go" aspect of following Jesus.

We have to be ready "To Go" where and when he calls us. We have to be ready, willing and able to take the events of the resurrection from our church services and literally bring that story to the people outside of our "For Here" community. We are called to go to them and not wait for those people to come to us. So when you hear that familiar phrase, "Is that for here or to go?" remember to say, "Yes it is!"
Pastor Mike