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What's Next?.... an update for all things Oceanside First Presbyterian

Pastor Mike

Hello Church Family Some very exciting days are here upon us as we end out the month of July together. Did I say exciting, I mean incredibly exciting days. God has been so good to us as a people and a church. These last few weeks we have seen the promises of God being lived out by our church family. We have been inviting friends, families and neighbors into our story of faith effectively because people are saying yes to Jesus. Together we all witnessed two adults getting baptized and two children also receiving this amazing gift from God. This is something to shout about! GOD IS SO GOOD! People saying yes to baptism is an important part of our church transformation and to the greater health of our church family. There are a few events and occasions I want to draw your attention to in the coming weeks. If you could commit to praying about these events and occasions, I would be honored and the church will be built up. These are all designed to help us grow together as a congregation. Saying Goodbye well…This Sunday July 22nd is our last weekend with our beloved Bev & Larry Frew. This amazing family will be recognized at both of our worship services. Following our church services there will be a lite cake reception to help launch one of the sweetest families I have ever known into their next chapter of life in Ohio. Please bring cards, gift cards, notes, gifts and well wishes to this services. We want them to launch carrying so much of our love and joy with them.

Vacation Bible School starts on July 30th. Our campus will be filled to the brim with kids and their leaders turning our whole campus into a week long adventure. Please be praying for our leaders, the students and especially their parents. One of our goals this year is to significantly connect with our students families this year. Those very same students and families will be joining us in worship on Sunday August 5th. Our goal is to make those children and families feel overwhelmingly welcomed and invited into the rest of their Faith Story.

Do you remember Corsairs, Clippers, Voyagers, Wind Jammers, and Catamaran? In our church history we used to have adult groups like these that would connect people relationally, grow people spiritually and engage people missionally. Where did they go? I want you to add your voice to a conversation we are hosting on August 19th & 26th following the 10:30 worship service. We will be talking about what are your current felt needs and how our church can help rebuild those opportunities to connect relationally, grow spiritually and engage missionally.

Would you be interested in Travel/Study Tour of Greece? Together we will walk in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul? Ancient beauty, incredible history, delicious food and best travel partners in the world highlight this potential upcoming travel opportunity with our church’s travel study plan. Come and find out more at our Greece Trip interest meeting on Thursday night August 9th, 5:30 in the Fellowship Hall.

"The Pastor’s Study” Wednesday mornings Starting August 29th 10:00-11:30 am you are invited to study and discuss with Pastor Mike your ideas and thoughts about this weeks upcoming preaching text. Together we will look at a passage in context and work to find an application for today. Following the conversation some of us may even continue the conversation over lunch. Everyone is invited. New to the faith?, you are welcome here, Been studying and following Jesus for decades? you are welcomed too. We will grow together as we as study and discuss the many nuances of our preaching passage. You might even hear your own stories shared in worship if you attend. We meet in Pastor Mike’s office on Wednesday mornings 10:00 am starting August 29th.

Small Group Bible Studies of the Gospel of Mark. Starting on August 5th our church will be studying the Gospel of Mark in our new preaching series called “On your Marks.” To help us all dig deeper into the text you are are invited to be reading with us as run through Mark. “On your Marks” study groups are forming now along with a study guide you can use to help you learn as much as you possibly can. Contact the church office or website ( to see if you would be interested in being a small leader for our “On your Marks” series. Endless Summer Beach Bon Fire Gathering on August 11th. Bring a beach chair, some sunscreen and your favorite drink to share. We will provide the s’mores and the fire, God will provide the amazing sunset and cool breeze. Details on this event are still be crafted so save the date for you and your family. There are quite a few other opportunities to help us continue to connect, grow and engage coming up but I’m quite yet ready to roll them out. Be on the look out for new information on

MOPs’(Mother’s of Preschoolers) group

5 Great Date’s (Respark your marriage relationship) Pub Theology Vol. 2 ( Dates and locations being worked out) Dinner’s for 6, Sunday afternoon lunch bunch, Married People, Financial Peace University and so much more.

Pastor Mike

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